cover lines are mainly band names and musicians such as ‘The Maccabees’ and ’50
cent’. This shows that it is very
straight to the point and simple. It shows the readers what they want in an
easy and quick way to read. Also, it attracts people that see artists or bands
that they like and listen to and straight away they become interested in the
language used in the cover is formal and straight to the point but effective
enough to draw the reader in. For example, ‘PLUS!’ draws readers in as it is in
capitals and the exclamation mark is almost as if it is shouting to get the
reader’s attention. Also, the word ‘PLUS!’ is bigger than the other writing
which makes it stand out to the audience.
average price of a magazine is about £3.00 but ‘Q’ magazine is higher than
average at £4.20. The price mirrors the target audience as they are young
adults who are interested in music and can afford to buy it.
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