Thursday, 21 April 2016
Friday, 1 April 2016
Evaluation Task 7
Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full magazine?
For my preliminary task, I had to create a school magazine front cover page and contents page. During this process I never really knew what I was doing. I didn't really have a plan. I guess I was just doing random things and trying to create something, bearing in mind I didn't have any skills in creating a magazine. I only had simple skills and simple knowledge of how to use simple programs such as PowerPoint. I knew how to add shapes, insert photos
and add text etc. I only knew the basics. Thinking back I notice that things were done so unprofessionally. For example, I took the pictures that I used with a bad quality camera and the images were not edited at all and they looked very dull. I also used very cringy shapes such as stars and do not know how, at the time, I allowed myself to go with such a childish look to a magazine. My colour scheme was very dull and boring and it doesn't appeal to me at all when I look back at it. The front cover and contents page showed no similarities and looked like two completely different magazines. I definitely did not have a target audience planned or researched which is why everything was just done so randomly. Without a target audience in media everything can go wrong as it is one of the main things to think about especially when making a magazine.
Looking back at my title, which is 'HAMPSTEAD', makes me feel ashamed of myself as there is no creativity in it whatsoever. It definitely wouldn't catch someone's eye or attention if they walked into store. The title is very plain and didn't have anything to it, it was just the name of the school.

For my final product, I have definitely done everything that I did not even think about doing in my preliminary task. This includes actually sitting down and coming up with an audience who I wanted to target with my music magazine. I have put a lot of time, effort and thought into my final product and it has definitely paid off compared to my preliminary task. My music magazine was based on the UK grime genre. I chose this because I am part of that audience and know what a typical fan of that specific genre would want in a Grime magazine. I was at an advantage already because I already had knowledge of the genre and I knew what design and types of things I would include in my magazine. I did a bit of research such as what age groups my audience would be in. This was easy as people my own age are a huge part of the grime genre audience together with young adults up to around 26, maybe even older. I had a long thought of my magazine title and came up with 'SECTION'. I thought this would work out perfectly as it links to grime. For example, if someone saw my magazine, they would most probably think of the very well known, grime group called 'Section Boyz' which have invaded the Grime scene recently.
During the process of my production, I definitely moved on from PowerPoint and went on to use Photoshop to design my music magazine. By now, I had developed a lot of skills in Photoshop which helped me make my magazine look a thousand times better than my school magazine and definitely more professional this time. For example, just the difference in the layout of the front cover between my music magazine and my school magazine was huge and such an improvement. The school magazine just looked so flat and almost dead, whereas, my music magazine front cover looked alive and actually looked like a professional magazine. For my final product, I also had to think about the type of language I would be using. In this case I used a few slang terms to connect with my audience. Colloquial language was important to think about in my music magazine as it would relate back to the audience and the audience is the key factor of making a magazine.
Finally, after finishing my final product I have come to conclusion that the most important thing for making a magazine is being thoughtful every step of the way. I noticed that taking time and actually doing research will help you understand fully the genre that you are working with. Rushing does not get you anywhere, as I learnt in my preliminary task and doing things slowly but effectively is important. Going back through what I done made me notice errors which I corrected and improved. Also, detail is a major key when it comes to making a magazine, I am very happy with my final product and the experience was great as I now have an idea of how it is to work in the magazine industry.
Thursday, 31 March 2016
Evaluation Task 2
How does your magazine represent a particular social group?

I also thought that if I wanted to appeal to my target I needed the model to fit in with the fashion style of people within the age margin but also within the grime genre. In my pictures throughout my magazine, shows him wearing a black hoodie, black bomber jacket, and a baseball cap. These are typical clothing items that a lot of our generation these days wear. This means that the magazine will relate to a lot of people and attract them. He is also wearing a gold chain and a gold watch. This shows that within this genre comes success which also motivates a lot of young people out there. As clothing and fashion is a huge passion for people nowadays, especially people within my target audience, I think that the fashion used in the pictures in my magazine will create a bond within the audience.
My magazine will be aimed at all ethnic groups as it is mostly targeted for the people's passion for this music genre.
Evaluation Task 1
In what what does your magazine use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real magazines?
My magazine uses the conventions of a magazine but also developed in a way to make my magazine unique in my way. I do not challenge any conventions because i follow through with the conventions required in a magazine.
I decided to go with a similar style and layout of the front cover of 'FADER' magazine. I placed the main title and the main coverline in the same places as the 'FADER' magazine as i liked the simple but effective look of it.
I also added a few of my touches to it to make it look unique and not too similar to the 'FADER' magazine. These include colour. I used a different colour on the main coverline, whereas, 'FADER' uses white or black most of the time. I used colour as i want my magazine to stand out from all the other music magazines. I stuck to the colour scheme which was mostly black, white and grey but also a couple of colours from the clothes of the model such as orange.
I also stuck to the convention of the title being big and bold to stand out to the audience and grab the readers attention. I also kept the original convention of a normal magazine and placed the bar code at the bottom left of my magazine with the price of the magazine above it.
Another similarity between my magazine and a lot of music magazines, especially grime, is the medium shot of a music artist in the centre of the page of the front cover.
Thursday, 3 March 2016
Formative feedback - Miss Hunter
WWW: Ron - your recent updates are good. Your case study is detailed and thoughtful.
EBI: Some of your statements need more explanation. E.g you have said that a monochrome colour scheme links to grime - explain why they link.
Next steps: Publish all your recent work to your blog. Push yourself to complete your magazine and to begin your evaluation.
Monday, 22 February 2016
Monday, 8 February 2016
Inspiration For Magazine Photos
I chose these pictures as inspiration because i think these type of photos will appeal to my target audience for the grime genre.
Also, i would like to stick to the colour scheme of dark colours such as black and grey as they suit the genre. Grime is a very underground genre and a lot of artists rap about very dark subjects and events that have occurred to them in their pasts. Grime artists express themselves in their music by getting their stories across to their audience. They tell stories in a very deep way which will get to peoples emotions. The dark colours link very well with the genre due to these reasons. As you can tell, in all of these pictures, the colour black is in use in the clothing. Some of the pictures are even taken in a black and white effect to go with the genre.

Thursday, 4 February 2016
Monday, 18 January 2016
Case Study Part 4: Double Page Spread
The double
page spread of this magazine about Miguel which is a very famous American
singer. It takes up 6 pages in the magazine and each page has photos dotted
around equally. This articles target audience is Miguel's fans which are mostly
females because of his style of music. Miguel is a very successful singer so
the audience want to read about his music success.

Under the
main title there is a small paragraph of a summary of what the articles is
going to be about. The font is quite small compared to the main title but it is
big enough for the readers to read it. It is also not very long. They kept it
very simple but effective because it says what it is going to be about in only
a few words at the end, 'Sex, Drugs and Self-Empowerment. The font is pink
which is a feminine colour. This goes to show that the articles is definitely
aimed more towards females as pink is thought to be a very girly colour. In
this small paragraph the names 'Miguel' And 'Ted Kessler' are in different
colours to the rest of the paragraph. Miguel's name is in black which is bold
and Ted - which is the interviewer- is in white which also stands out in front
the shadow of the rose in the background which is dark. This different colour
font in names is done to just make it easier clearer to see who is involved in
this article, in this case it is just the two.

On the
right there’s 4 different photos of Miguel, all different sizes and are set up
overlapping each other. The first one is of him crowd surfing which shows the
interaction between him and his fans. In the photo, everyone is trying to reach
for him. This shows how much his fans love him and that he loves his fans back
as he is interacting with all of them. In one part of the article it shows
another way of his interaction with his fans. "I FUCKING LOVE YOU,
MIGUEL!". The word 'fucking and 'love' show how passionate his fans are.
He replies "Love you too, baby" to that fan which, again, shows how
much he loves his fans back. The fact that he uses the word 'baby' makes it
seem as if he knows that person but it just shows the connection he has with
his fans and how we makes the feel good and welcome. This also interacts with
the reader as it shows what type of person he is and presents his personality
in a positive way. The other 2 photos of him on stage express his passion for
music and singing. In the photos he looks very passionate by the way he is
jumping and dancing while holding the microphone. This just shows that he is
not just there to get his performance over and done with but to also leave a
fun and unforgettable experience for him and his fans. The last photo is of his
album cover, 'Wildheart', which is also quoted in a pink box on top of the
photos which gives information about them.

Case Study Part 3: Contents Page
The contents page
mostly contains articles about more popular music bands and artists. For
example '50 Cent', 'Miguel' and 'The Maccabees' are shown because they are
popular and this is done to draw in the readers to carry on and explore the
magazine. On the other hand, if it was a more unknown music band, people would
not be as interested to read on.
Also, there are
little sentences under the articles which draw readers in a lot. For example on
'50 cent' it says "the MC and businessman has had quite a time of it
recently. Ask him all about it". This makes the reader want to read on
because they want to find out what 'quite a time' 50 cent has been having.
Also, "ask him all about it" welcomes the reader and makes them feel
part of it as if they are actually going to ask him questions.

The use of colour
is very important for the contents page and helps a lot to attract readers.
- The colour black is used mostly for the contents sub titles. This is because it stands out and is very bold compared to the background colour which is white. This is the use of contrast to make things stand out more.
- The page numbers of the contents shown in the page are in big, colourful circles. The colours used are clearly very bright and fun. For example, blue, red, orange and yellow. These colours help the contents stand out and are very clear in the page.
Case Study Part 2: Front Cover

cover lines are mainly band names and musicians such as ‘The Maccabees’ and ’50
cent’. This shows that it is very
straight to the point and simple. It shows the readers what they want in an
easy and quick way to read. Also, it attracts people that see artists or bands
that they like and listen to and straight away they become interested in the
language used in the cover is formal and straight to the point but effective
enough to draw the reader in. For example, ‘PLUS!’ draws readers in as it is in
capitals and the exclamation mark is almost as if it is shouting to get the
reader’s attention. Also, the word ‘PLUS!’ is bigger than the other writing
which makes it stand out to the audience.
average price of a magazine is about £3.00 but ‘Q’ magazine is higher than
average at £4.20. The price mirrors the target audience as they are young
adults who are interested in music and can afford to buy it.
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